Summer School for the Performing Arts

REGISTER for Summer 2024 Today!

  • About Us

    Every summer SSPA produces over a dozen fully realized productions in our six performance spaces. In addition to daily rehearsals, students collaborate with their peers in exploration and recreation workshops led by theater educators and working professionals.

  • Programs

    Students personalize their artistic journey by choosing from six areas of concentration - Musical Theater, Dramatic Acting, DA10, Technical Theater, Film Production, and/or Junior Leadership.

  • Staff

    Our staff is comprised of professional theater makers, seasoned educators, undergraduate students, and high school seniors with backgrounds in Theater, Performing Arts, Music and Education.

  • Our Spaces

    SSPA prides itself on providing a variety of spaces, both indoors and outdoors, where students are able to find comfort, take risks, build relationships, learn, grow and make theater!

  • Special Events

    On Wednesdays… we celebrate! From field trips to in-house events to Pizza Fridays and more, Wednesdays and Fridays are special days at SSPA!

  • Registration

    Registration opens February 1, 2024! Click below to fill out the registration form and enroll for the 2024 season!

Students will be cast in one of six areas of concentration: Musical Theater, Dramatic Acting, DA10, Film Production, Technical Theater, or the Junior Leadership Intensive. Each day students meet in a performance workshop which serves as a rehearsal for their current production. In addition to these concentrated areas of study, students will select one recreation and one exploration workshop to participate in. These workshops will meet for 45 minutes every day. Most workshops are designed to run for one week so students have the opportunity to experience a variety of activities throughout the summer.

There is no life skill more valuable than the ability to effectively connect and communicate with the world around us. This effective interaction begins with self knowledge. Our mission at the Summer School for the Performing Arts is to teach and exercise positive effective expression of self through the living arts: musical theater and dramatic acting. Through active participation and healthy risk taking, students will be encouraged to find their own voice and wield its great power.

  • “I never had to drag my daughter out of bed. She was usually up, dressed, and had my car keys on the table, ready to get out the door so we wouldn't be late. You have clearly created a safe, non-judgmental environment where she felt comfortable to give it her all. ”


  • “She misses the kids and staff sooo much when school returns….we are happy she gets to spend her summers there!!! She was openly crying last night: ‘not because I am sad, because I am happy.’”


  • “We are so thankful that our daughter has been given so many enriching opportunities in the SSPA program, and has been able to work with such a devoted, talented, and compassionate staff”


  • “I wanted to thank you for, again, providing the kids with such a wonderfully positive experience with SSPA. [Our daughter] had the time of her life first session and would have dearly loved to have done the second as well. I can't begin to tell you how good SSPA is for [her]. She has made so many new and varied friends and it has given her the freedom to be herself. You've also helped tremendously with her self-confidence.”


  • “When I dropped her off this year, on the last day of the crazy school year, I left feeling so so pleased that everyone remembered who she was, were excited to see her, and just scooped her up and off she went. "So pleased" is an understatement, because I have difficulty writing down exactly how I felt. Joy could be the word. It's hard to find a place where your child wants to go that is also going to teach her skills (in this case skills she wants to know), keep her physically safe, and keep her emotionally safe. Your program, as I'm sure your know, is the perfect fit for theater kids. Your counselors are amazing. I keep forgetting that most of them are in high school. They are mature, caring, and funny folks who love what you do, love learning and practicing, and love sharing with the younger kids. Your admin staff, never leave me guessing about what is happening, what I need to do, and what [our daughter] needs to do to meet the demands of the day, week, or session.”


  • “I came in and heard some of your inspiring words on setting goals, taking risks, and trusting to the students. Your words resonated with me as an adult. It is so nice to hear an educator, teaching kids lessons about life in general, not just in the theater. Best Wishes!”


  • “Regardless of whether he continues his journey into the performing arts or chooses another path to follow you have given him life lessons he will take with him for the rest of his life.”
